The effects of covid on local church group hall and events.

2 min readMay 16, 2021


Local church and community centre at Tilmanstone Village Hall has repeatedly had their annual group meetings postponed due to covid which has caused multiple events to be cancelled or brought online as a last hope for the community.

I spoke to Dave Fountain on April 19th about the issues he has faced as a member of the AGM, he said: “The karate could have reopened as it is primarily an individual family group but have yet to do so.

“The local elections are allowed to take place on the 7th of May.”

Other events that have been stopped are the AGM meetings, quiz night, the Christmas bazaar and bookings made for weekly events such as the tai chi and karate groups.

All of these contribute to the community halls fund raising which without they have not been able to make as much.

However, they have made the best of a bad situation by holding online events including a hamper raffle around Christmas that occurred.

This is something they always do but due to the amount of donations they received they were able to have five prizes instead of one.

As well as the dramatic double in prizes for the raffle there was also a double in tickets sold throughout the community.

Dave added: “certainly a community spirit in action” showing the positive affect brought on by events that can still be held by the AGM.

They are hoping to reopen as soon as more restrictions are lifted by the government on covid rules.

The current rules stating that only two households maximum can meet outside for a distanced gathering or activity in places such as parks.

